Deck The Halls Giveaway!

Deck the Halls Giveaway

Okay, so it’s no secret I love the holidays. This time of year definitely rivals all the others in terms of my affections, and to celebrate appropriately, I am announcing a massive giveaway! Between now and December 15, 2010 at 12:00PM CST, two participants will have the chance to win a signed trade-paperback copy of Ripples Through Time. Three runner-ups will win a free e-copy of Firsts.

To enter:

1) Follow my blog and comment on this post with your name


2) Follow me on Twitter (and let me know you want to be entered in the contest).


3) Do both! It is NOT necessary to be eligible, but it’ll get you a second entry.

If you already follow me on Twitter, I have no intention of leaving you out. Just RT one of my contest reminders, and it’ll give you a second entry. That being said, only two entries possible. I’ll love you if you RT my contest reminders more than once, but it won’t increase your chances.

Due to the fact that I am quite poor, I am restricting the Ripples Through Time paperback recipients to US only. However, anyone in any region is eligible to win a free e-copy of Firsts.!

So spread the word! Tis the season!