It's here! In 2009, I released my first novella, aptly entitled FIRSTS, with Loose Id. And as has become custom with me, I immediately saw ways I wanted to change it. Not in a George Lucas-y kind of way, which I know is a danger among any creator who has access to their work...rather, in a Tolkien or Stephen King kind of way. I waited until I had enough time to devote to the rewrite before making a grab for the rights, and tackled it heartily over last NaNoWriMo.

When FIRSTS debuted in 2009, my life changed. I found myself inserted into a new world of promotion, networking, and support. Through FIRSTS I met J.A. Saare, who has become one of my best friends and a huge creative influence. I love that I had her at my side this time around...and believe me, if she didn't like what became of her beloved Thorn in the newer version, she would let you know.

I am forever indebted to Bonnie Walker and Elaina Lee for their help with the edits and cover art. And to my crit partners, Sarah Ballance and Nikki London. Thank you!


FirstsThe past year has been hell on Savannah. Not only did her boyfriend dump her on the side of the road—literally—but her best friend, Wes, decided to graduate early. The person he becomes in college is even more confusing, and no matter what she tells herself, she can’t get over the thought of another girl having a piece of him that she’ll never have.

Wes has been in love with Savannah since childhood. Trouble is, she’s never seen him as anything more than a friend, and he’s never been brave enough to push those boundaries. He views college as an opportunity to finally move on. However, their continued close relationship makes moving on difficult, especially since Savannah has no idea she broke his heart.

With her own graduation day approaching, Savannah decides she doesn’t want to be a virgin when she gets to college. Turning to Wes to solve this problem seems sensible. After all, she trusts him more than anyone. Only she isn’t prepared for what her request unleashes—either from him, or in herself.

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