ARC - Flip Side of Sin, Sinners and Saints Book III

Well, the good news is I believe I'm looking at a firmer release date for the Flip Side of Sin and am ready to compile a list of book reviewers/bloggers to receive ARCs. Please let me know if you are interested. This has been a crazy busy week. Thanks to everyone who shot me birthday wishes and the like. One thing I certainly didn't anticipate was my sister-in-law's water breaking my birthday-eve. Poor thing was rushed to the hospital and spent all night trying to bring my nephew into the world. He's a beautiful baby, weighing in at a flat 7 lbs and is 21 inches in length. In other words, tall and lanky like his father.

Rosalie's brother

I'm still buried in edits, but I'm trying to find time to get my NaNo project submission-ready. And the holidays are around the corner! Hope everyone has their shopping done. Especially since the world is scheduled to end in a week.