The eighth and FINAL installment of the Sinners & Saints series is now available on Kindle. This concludes a journey I began almost a decade ago, and almost entirely by accident. I’m wearing my Lucifer necklace today in honor of having finally stopped torturing the poor guy and completing his story.
Read MoreIn 2010, I was stuck.
I mean, really stuck. I had this idea for a vampire romance (Captive) but I couldn’t get more than a few chapters written before running out of steam. I’ve made no secret that I got my start in writing fanfic, particularly Buffy fanfic. And writing a vampire romance seemed intuitive—I’d spent years doing just that, only with characters that weren’t mine—I was having the roughest time with it.
Read MoreFormer Speaker of the House John Boehner made headlines on Thursday, April 28, 2016 for his remarks regarding GOP presidential hopeful Ted Cruz. In a startling declaration during a talk at Stanford University, Boehner condemned the accused Zodiac killer as being “Lucifer in the flesh.”
Unsurprisingly, Lucifer was dissatisfied with the comparison.
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